locations would be patrolled by the ballot security task force and they brought in off-duty cops and off-duty sheriffs deputies who in many cases wore guns on their hips and these guys put on these hooptie ballot security forces arm bands which made them look quasiofficial, then they physically patrolled the voting sites in dozens of precincts that had mostly minority voters. if you did call the phone number that was listed on the big warning signs because you wanted to collect their thousand dollar reward for voter fraud, the 1-800 number reportedly went directly to the republican national committee headquarters at the time. so there was no obfuscating this. it was straight up an rnc op. and it worked. the republican won the governor s race that year in new jersey by a tiny, tiny fraction. both parties at the time claimed that this ballot security task force stunt is how they did it.
1-800 number reportedly went directly to the republican national committee headquarters at the time. so there was no obfuscating this. it was straight up an rnc op. and it worked. the republican won the governor s race that year in new jersey by a tiny, tiny fraction. both parties at the time claimed that this ballot security task force stunt is how they did it. these armed guys in semiofficial looking arm bands stomping around minority neighborhoods. both parties claimed at the time that was probably enough to make a difference in that race. so for the short-term political calculation that op worked for the republican party, but for the long-term that was a bad move because they re still living with the consequences of what they did there and the fact they got caught for it. because the democratic party sued them over what they did in new jersey that year and the democrats won. and now 35 years later the republican party is still trying to get out from under the legal
reported at polling places in newark s north ward. republican poll watcher, some of them off-duty policemen wearing guns and arm bands were also near the polls. it was all part of the national ballot security task force set up by the republican national and state committees to guard against vote fraud. but democrats charge it was a scare campaign to intimidate voters primarily in minority neighborhoods. this was 1981, the new jersey governor s race that year. we reported on this monday night. this is the case where the national republican party got involved in that gubernatorial election. they flew in basically a goon squad of national operatives on election day and these guys flooded into minority precincts as basically vigilante poll watchers. governor s race in new jersey was going to be close that year. this group from the rnc decided they wanted to keep the vote down, so in trenton, camden, newark, they put up these big warning, warning, warning signs telling people that these v
but what we reported here on monday night that has now all of a sudden come to fruition as truly bad news for the republican party brought upon them by donald trump, it s a very specific thing. it s something that leading republicans are tearing their hair about tonight. and it is having to do with this. several of these signs were reported at polling places in newark s north ward. republican poll watcher, some of them off-duty policemen wearing guns and arm bands were also near the polls. it was all part of the national ballot security task force set up by the republican national and state committees to guard against vote fraud. but democrats charge it was a scare campaign to intimidate voters primarily in minority neighborhoods. this was 1981, the new jersey governor s race that year. we reported on this monday night. this is the case where the national republican party got involved in that gubernatorial
a real person and a picture of the frog racist trump character from online to show that you can enter anybody s photo and anybody s name and get one of these badges. makes you look quasilegit, right? back in the day when they got in trouble for it in new jersey, the republicans ballot security task force targeted 75 different minority heavy precincts. this year the pro trump vigilante effort. the forces using the fake i.d. badges, online tutorials teaching people to videotape and livestream video of voters at their polling places. this year they haven t pick just three minority heavy cities in one state. this year the effort is targeting minority heavy cities in swing states, cleveland, ohio, detroit, michigan, philly, las vegas, milwaukee, ft. lauderdale, richmond, virginia, fayetteville and charlotte,