Mangaluru City police detained members of Vishwa Hindu Parishad and Bajrang Dal who were protesting the FIR filed against Mangaluru City South MLA D Vedavyas Kamath, Mangaluru City North MLA Y Bharath Shetty, VHP leader Sharan Pumpwell, corporators Sandeep Garodi, Bharath Kumar and another unidentified person in connection with the protest held in front of St Gerosa English Higher Primary School last week.
Mangaluru city police are searching for two accused individuals who allegedly stopped a boy and a girl belonging to different faiths. Stay updated with the latest news on the police hunt in Mangaluru.
Police said the gathering on Tuesday in Barkheda Kurmi village was sparked by an incident that took place at a religious procession earlier this month, when an inebriated villager allegedly assaulted a priest and damaged a Hanuman flag.
The purported video went viral on social media yesterday as it showed principal of Pune's DY Patil High School, Mr. Alexander Coates Reid, running with his shirt torn after allegedly being attacked by the Bajrang Dal individuals.