and reels and buckets of baitba given what they re going in, going into mar a lago looking said overdy has and over again. ultimately the why now is the january six investigation within the justice department period end of statement, fullmu stop that the whyff now is that you ve had recently the day after the mar a lago search, the fbi executed the warrant on congressman w scott perry for his phone and congressman perry was the one who introducednt the environmental lawyer at the justice department toronv president trump, john eastman, p that not jonathan clark, jeffrey clark and john eastman both had search warrantsn executed on them inth june. jeffrey clark, i believe, was pulled out of his house iney pajamas when they were w searching him. then you had grand jury subpoenas recently to pat cipollone and patrickav
0 on monday soapbox watching hulu. we re out of time thanks to carly, terrence, william, captain pirates, our studio. i got it. i love you. i m great good belt and i lo i m in it for me now. this gimmick now just gets out of hand by now and that s by the clock in new york city. this is the federal judge in florida releasing a warrant from the unprecedented raid at trump s florida home. it reveals the former president is potentially being investigated for obstruction of justice and violationg ofhe the espionage act. 11 sets of classified records from the estate during the search. president trump is responding, saying declassified. all those documents are reaction in just a second. but first, let s go to s david spudis at the justice department for you this morning. but there s been a lot of newsre since then, davis, a lot of news. we ve been on tv all day toh it and we ll continue do so. dana, check with a department of justice official. no further comment from the doj after attorne