Girl Scouts adapt techniques for annual cookie sales
Out of all the things 2020 took from us, Girl Scout cookies won’t be one.
Uniform-wearing girls have been setting up shop around Gaston and Cleveland counties for the annual fundraiser – teaching budgeting and salesmanship while offering customers the sweet treats that only pop up each winter.
“Even as we continue to face these challenging times, our girls are committed to bringing the public their favorite cookies,” said Lane Cook, CEO of Girl Scouts Peaks to Piedmont Council.
Traditionally, scouts approached friends, family and neighbors to take orders. Once the mounds of boxes arrived, they would also set up booths in front of big box stores in shifts to sell additional cookies.
The Gaston Gazette
Out of all the things 2020 took from us, Girl Scout cookies won’t be one.
Uniform-wearing girls have been setting up shop around Gaston and Cleveland counties for the annual fundraiser – teaching budgeting and salesmanship while offering customers the sweet treats that only pop up each winter.
“Even as we continue to face these challenging times, our girls are committed to bringing the public their favorite cookies,” said Lane Cook, CEO of Girl Scouts Peaks to Piedmont Council.
Traditionally, scouts approached friends, family and neighbors to take orders. Once the mounds of boxes arrived, they would also set up booths in front of big box stores in shifts to sell additional cookies.