#BehindtheBrandManager: Terri Verhoeven of Big Concerts on navigating the new events, entertainment spaceThis month, we uncover the heroes behind the brands that millions of South Africans take into their homes and hearts every day. We find out more from Terri Verhoeven, senior operations manager at Big Concerts, about managing such a well-known SA company and navigating and surviving the devastating effects of Covid-19. By Ruth Cooper
really behind her mask is a fierce female who loves bubbly a little too much, takes life a little seriously, but knows the importance of working hard and balancing that out with some good fun! By Jessica Tennant
Image Name: Post-Lockdown Cigarette, in the Cold Rain of June
Photographer Name: Lauriane Bieber
Year: 2021
This simple image of a man smoking tells a longer story of friendship and a passion for photography. This photograph is a story of first times. The first time I shot my dear friend Léo, that I only had met once in my life about ten years ago. The first time I went outside after three months. The first friend I met after the lockdown. The first time I worked with a model so brave and so dedicated to art and creation. The first time I felt how much photography was important to me.