The reality show Ravivaar with Star Parivaar has come to an end and during the finale of the show Sumbul broke down and shared her feelings on how emotional she is with both her shows not being there and she wouldn’t be shooting for it. |
Sumbul and Rupali are two of the most loved actors on television and the audience loved to see their camaraderie and friendship and consider them the best actresses on television. |
Pranali and Subul are two big names in the world of television and the two bonded on the sets of Ravivaar with Star Parivaar now Pranali is following the steps of Sumbul but doing a special gesture for the actress. |
Ravivaar with Star Parivaar is coming to an end soon and the fans are heartbroken as they wouldn’t be able to see all the stars under one roof. Now we came across a BTS video of Fahmaan Khan performing during the finale of the show and his fans are excited to see his performance. |