Avenue Supermarts on Saturday reported a consolidated net profit of Rs 623.35 crore for the quarter ended September 30, 2023, which was down by over 9% from Rs 685.71 crore reported by the company in the corresponding period of the previous financial year. The company which operates DMart reported a consolidated revenue from operations at Rs 12,624 crore which was up by 18.66% from Rs 10,638.33 reported by the company in Q2FY23.
The company which operates DMart reported a consolidated revenue from operations at Rs 12,624 crore which was up by 18.66% from Rs 10,638.33 reported by the company in Q2FY23. On a sequential basis, the revenue grew 6.4% from Rs 11,865.44 crore in the June 2023 quarter. EBITDA margin for the quarter was 8%, down from 8.4% in Q2FY23.
However, DMart s consolidated net profit declined 9% to Rs 623.35 crore in Q2 FY24, as compared to Rs 685.71 crore in the corresponding quarter of last year. Neville Noronha, CEO and MD of Avenue Supermarts said, “Q2 FY 2024 saw revenue growth of 18.5% as compared to the corresponding quarter of last year. Our gross margins continue to be lower compared to the same period in the previous year due to lesser contribution from the higher margin General Merchandise and Apparel business."