Now we re a year in, the world is still paying attention, the west is still sending weapons, but you have to wonder how long is that focus going to stay here if there is no major breakthrough this year, in 2023? and that is a real fear that people here have that the longer the war grinds on, the less the outside world will be paying attention. we ve been there through all seasons. we arrived in the midst of winter, the snow on the ground, it was freezing cold. then, there was the thaw of spring. then, the sunflowers were planted and then, we saw them grow. and then, we saw the sunflowers rot on the stalks, not harvested because the russian aggression was still happening. and we ll go back again and then, it will be another cycle, another four seasons. and you wonder how many winters, summers, springs, autumns will ukraine have to endure before this war is over? ....