De nombreuses associations biterroises ont investi le bâtiment de l’ancien domaine viticole, depuis son acquisition par la Ville en 1978. La dernière en date, l’ASB Gym.
It's one small but symbolic step in a giant leap of energy saving that Europe is trying to make as it rushes to wean itself off natural gas and oil from Russia.
PARIS - Fanning out like urban guerrillas through Paris' darkened streets well after midnight, the anti-waste activists shinny up walls and drain pipe
PARIS (AP) Fanning out like urban guerrillas through Paris darkened streets well after midnight, the anti-waste activists shinny up walls and drain pipes, reaching for switches to turn off the lights.
PARIS (AP) Fanning out like urban guerrillas through Paris' darkened streets well after midnight, the anti-waste activists shinny up walls and drain pipes, reaching for switches to turn off the lights.