It wasnt him but thats the only way he was ever mentioned again. Otherwise the subject was to boo. It is british and youre going to get us to believe those were the worst years of the civil war which devastated the country the police and the army were fighting against the Guerillas Thousands of people were abducted Forty Five Thousand around the whole country Forty Five Thousand and those are just the ones who disappeared but if another Two Hundred Thousand died the population of quite a model was Eight Million at the time they needed pontiff to unity and. It was the most brutal repression of a people ever endured in Latin America at the moment. Already
doing as you were here a lot back then i already see the reaction in the media yes with my family usually with my brother to see whether our Brother Rubin was amongst the bodies that were brought here marked double x. In other words the nameless book at the door a lot of people here and look to the lot of bodies of a more cohesive your
cycle of pain the beginning of grief i mean it s in this because at that moment you accept everything that has been written and said. and what we ourselves knew about my father s disappearance you all recently but it was even worse he says give us the meter i mean until the bones are found deep down inside you still nurture hope but when they appear i think of the fifty seven days of torture that has had the greatest effect on me i think yes they happened those fifty seven days of torture yes he had to suffer. yes he was the one that the audio mini tada says was buried in a former garrison this all becomes so real when you have to identify the remains and it is worst of all for the relatives of someone who disappeared this is something we first had to learn to cope with and even though identifying
knew about my father s disappearance you recently but is even less interested in this bill mean to me until the bones are found deep down inside you still nurture hope but when they appear i think of the fifty seven days of torture that has had the greatest effect on me i think yes they happened those fifty seven days of torture yes he had to suffer the torture mentioned in his statement by allah votto dahmus who saw him there. he was the one seven year old welt at dawn heard screaming under torture. yes he was the one that the audio mini tada says was buried in a former garrison this all becomes so real when you have to identify the remains and it is worst of all for the relatives of someone who disappeared this is something we first had to learn to cope with and even though identifying