Artissua Paulk, 44, of Greenacres, pleaded guilty Tuesday to manslaughter in connection with the death of Carol Wright, 79, of West Palm Beach, who fell from the Royal Park Bridge when Paulk opened it with Wright on it in February 2022. She was sentenced to eight years of probation.
The niece of Carol Wright, the woman killed while crossing the Royal Park Bridge in February, tells Contact 5 that better training for bridge tenders and safety improvements on bridges are needed immediately.
A bridge tender was arrested Thursday in connection with the February death of a 79-year-old West Palm Beach woman who fell from the Royal Park Bridge.
Police said video evidence contradicted the worker's statement that she walked out onto the balcony and visually checked the bridge for vehicles or pedestrians, saying her actions showed "reckless disregard of human life."
Police said video evidence contradicted the worker's statement that she walked out onto the balcony and visually checked the bridge for vehicles or pedestrians, saying her actions showed "reckless disregard of human life."