there are witnesses like coates and rogers who declined to answer certain questions. i don t know whether the attorney general will do that, i assume he is going to answer questions about his meeting or lack of third meeting with the ambassador from russia. i assume he s going to be asked about the interaction he had with jim after jim met with president trump where jim asked sessions not to leave him alone with the president again. i assume he s going to corroborate that jim comey made that request. i assume he s going to be asked a lot of tough questions about what the four corners of his recusal from the russian investigation were and why he seemed to be involved in jim comey s firing if he was refuse refused. heather: do you think
he reminded people in a tweet. attorney general lynch made law enforcement decisions for political services and gave hillary clinton a free pass and protection. totally illegal. i will imagine he will watch session s testimony on air force one. bill: john roberts from the white house. what s coming up here? shannon: more on all these developing stories throughout this hour. former attorney general michael mukasey, judge andrew napolitano and senator rand paul and later this afternoon join us for a personal edition of america s newsroom for live coverage of the jeff sessions hearing, the attorney general taking the podium and we ll start and kick it off at 2:00 p.m. today. bill: nothing going on. that s not the only matter today. president trump focusing on repealing obamacare and calling out democrats in the process when he said this. we ll have zero backing from the democrats even though they
the democratic national committee and hillary and bill clinton. if mrs. lynch, attorney general lynch made law enforcement decisions for political purposes, that s called misconduct in office and jeff sessions, the present justice department should investigate her for that. ainsley: all right. so we re going to have a fit over russia collusion we should have a fit over this. same thing. steve: washington, d.c. is afire with suggestion that russia influenced our election. look at this. and it sounds like jim comey is saying, hey, i ve got news for you. the past administration influenced the past presidential election. forget about russia. and we don t know, you know, collusion, we don t know that but it sure looks like, according to the former fbi director there was collusion between the department of justice in the form of the attorney general and the hillary clinton campaign. that is, as i depicted earlier, a bombshell. brian: right. we will see if we have another comey day on capitol
was a suicide, but it was not a homicide. closing arguments are set for later this afternoon. the judge is hearing this case. if convicted on that charge, she faces up to 20 years in prison. heather: troubling. why for us, molly, thank you. jon: back to our top story, capitol hill, the action on the russian investigation and the firing of james comey. as lawmakers prepare to question attorney general jeff sessions just hours from now. less than a week after comey testified before the same committee. it confused me because the president and i had had multiple conversations about my job, both before and after he took office. he had repeatedly told me i was doing a great job and he hoped i would stay. i repeatedly assured him that i did intend to stay and serve out the remaining six years of my term. he told me repeatedly that he had talked to lots of people
clinton. and then she just kind of looked at him and said if you don t have anything else, you can leave. the whole investigation of hillary clinton is such a head scratcher and also territory unique in american history. jim comey, it now appears, sort of big footed the attorney general. just went right around her when he was convinced that she had a conflict. i m going to go public myself. correct. he was convinced that she as the chief federal law enforcement officer of the land was doing the bidding of the democratic national committee and hillary and bill clinton. if mrs. lynch, attorney general lynch made law enforcement decisions for political purposes, that s called misconduct in office. and jeff sessions, the present justice dental, should investigate her for that. the complaints against comey is that he didn t come public with this in a timely manner. steve: until he got fired. it appears why do they testify in secret if somebody is going to leak what the testimony was