Veteran actor Dharmendra took to his official Twitter handle and shared a picture of him with Lata Mangeshkar. Hema Malini, on the other hand, penned an emotional note in the memory of the late legend, who passed away on Sunday morning.
Legendary singer Lata Mangeshkar passed away at Mumbai s Breach Candy Hospital after a 28-day-long prolonged battle with Covid-19 and pneumonia. She began her career in the year 1942 at age of 13. In a career spanning over seven decades, the melody queen recorded songs for over a 1000 Hindi film
Lata Mangeshkar, Lata Mangeshkar Death, Lata Mangeshkar passes away, Lata Mangeshkar dead, Lata Mangeshkar dies, Lata Mangeshkar hospitalised, Lata Mangeshkar no more, Breach Candy Hospital, Lata Mangeshkar Death News, lata mangeshkar live news, lata mangeshkar latest news, lata mangeshkar death
Legendary singer Lata Mangeshkar dies at 92. She had been admitted to Breach Candy Hospital on January 8, after she was diagnosed with COVID-19 and pneumonia. Dr Pratit Samdani, who is treating her, said that the singer s health had deteriorated and she was put on ventilator support.
Singing legend Lata Mangeshkar passed away on February 6, aged 92. She died due to multiple organ failures at Mumbai s Breach Candy Hospital. The iconic singer was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the hospital on January 8 after she tested positive for Covid-19.