'The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.” These golden words of Michelangelo perhaps sum up the fundamental gap in the fight to end TB worldwide. The stark reality .
Article: Why are shorter, safer and more effective treatments for drug-resistant TB not being rolled out? - Please consider an article based on interview with one of the scientists for the latest, shorter, safer and new treatment regimens for drug-resistant TB. Despite strong scientific evidence of these treatments saving lives, why is there a delay in rolling them out, he asks.
Article: Why are shorter, safer and more effective treatments for drug-resistant TB not being rolled out? - Please consider an article based on interview with one of the scientists for the latest, shorter, safer and new treatment regimens for drug-resistant TB. Despite strong scientific evidence of these treatments saving lives, why is there a delay in rolling them out, he asks.