Court of Appeals
The Court of Appeals (CA) has affirmed its July 7, 2022 decision that upheld the conviction of Rappler’s Chief Executive Officer Maria A. Ressa and the news outfit’s former researcher Reynaldo Santos Jr. for cyber libel under the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012.
In a resol
Maria A. Ressa
Rappler’s Chief Executive Officer Maria A. Ressa and the news outfit’s former researcher Reynaldo Santos Jr. asked the Court of Appeals (CA) to reconsider its decision that affirmed their cyber libel conviction under the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012.
They also challenged
Maria A. Ressa The Court of Appeals (CA) has affirmed the trial court’s conviction of Rappler’s Chief Executive Officer Maria A. Ressa and the news outfit’s former researcher Reynaldo Santos Jr. for cyber libel under the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012. However, instead of a prison term of on
Published June 29, 2021, 9:27 AM
Associate Justice Edgardo L. Delos Santos
Supreme Court (SC) Associate Justice Edgardo L. Delos Santos is set to retire on Wednesday, June 30, a year earlier than his mandatory retirement at age 70 on June 12, 2022.
The SC, as a full court, had approved Delos Santos’ early retirement “for reasons pertaining to his current state of health.” His “state of health” was not disclosed.
With the retirement of Delos Santos, who was appointed by President Duterte in Dec. 2019, there are now two vacancies in the 15-member SC.
The first vacancy was a result of the promotion of then Associate Justice Alexander G. Gesmundo as Chief Justice last April 5.