point, partisan politics and a sitting u.s. attorney general cot in the cross fire. eric holder is in copenhagen this morning. yesterday a house committee voted to recommend citing him for contempt of congress for not turning over documents from that botched fast and furious gun operation. you will remember that program allowed guns to end up in the hands of mexican drug cartels and is connected to the death of at least one u.s. law enforcement officer. those documents are now off limits to republicans and everybody else because the president has invoked executive privilege to keep them under wraps. it brings us to joe jons live from washington, d.c. this morning. good morning. good morning, soledad, the contempt issue moves to the full house of representatives as early as neck week. holder is the first obama administration official to be held in contempt by congressional committee. the point man on all of this for the republicans, of course, is chairman darrell issa. he ta
but a state college of dennerer is giving a special break to illegal imgrantts. starting this fall. they will pay $3300 a semester and less than half what out of state. this is beyond a dumb idea. it is making a mockery of the rule of law. this scores the need for genuine reform on immigration. whether it is entry level jobs. make it legal so we know who is in here. but encouraging illegality. what is america about. this is great. i have happen to know it is not a subsidy to illegal immigrants and nor will it affect the taxpayer pockets. it is modeled after the failed asset bill. the president of the college expect enrollment to jumpp 160