The Girl on the Stairs blog has an interesting interview with Harold Weisberg:What about Garrison. What happened to him?I don’t know. I don’t know if he became crazy or just irresponsible. I think that as a district attorney he was a good district attorney. He was insensitive to what reflected
Here is the cover of Westward, a magazine that was published with the November 21, 1982 edition of the Dallas Times-Herald. I ll feature the complete article by Hugh Aynesworth in a future blog post.And Jim Garrison did have a portrait of Napoleon in his office: Sylvia Meagher had a different
Here s a picture of Jim Garrison packing up his office from the March 30, 1974 issue of the New Orleans Times-Picayune:You can see the boxes of documents in the picture. Now, the Democratic Primary for District Attorney was held on November 9, 1973, which Garrison lost to Harry Connick. This
Kevin Bacon played Willie O Keefe in the film, JFK. O Keefe was a composite character based upon Perry Russo, William Morris, Raymond Broshears, and David Logan.James DiEugenio, in his book Destiny Betrayed, writes: (page 210)"Finally, a man named William Morris signed an affidavit saying he knew Shaw as Clay Bertrand. And
[unable to retrieve full-text content]In June 1971, William Alford, an Assistant District Attorney working for Jim Garrison, resigned. Here is an editorial from the New.
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