Asian Development Bank (ADB) President Masatsugu Asakawa and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Secretary General José Ángel Gurría today discussed their respective institution’s support for the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) response, and agreed to further strengthen ongoing collaboration on key areas to ensure robust and sustainable recovery from the pandemic such as economic analysis, domestic resource mobilization (DRM), international tax cooperation (ITC), and anticorruption.
This article on the recommended overhaul of police training across Canada, citing Finland as a potential model, was published in CBC on May 2. The article provides details of the inquiry into a mass shooting that left 22 people dead in Nova Scotia, Canada in 2020.
The Mass Casualty Commission’s final report called for all of Canada’s police forces to require a three-year degree for officers, as Finland does.
The Asian Water Development Outlook 2020 says that Pakistan has one of the highest levels of risk for urban water security and ranks among the lowest for disaster risk management for water security.