Actor Manohar Pandey, who is best known for his work in films like 'Gangubai Kathiawadi' and 'Super 30', plays the role of Angad, son of Bali and the nephew of the Vanar king Sugriv in Om Raut's mythological film 'Adipurush'. |
Actor Manohar Pandey, who is best known for his work in films like 'Gangubai Kathiawadi' and 'Super 30', plays the role of Angad, son of Bali and the nephew of the Vanar king Sugriv in Om Raut's mythological film 'Adipurush'.The actor initially .
The makers of the film unveiled the title of the film on Tuesday. The video also unmasked the logo for the film. The film, directed by Navjyot Bandiwadekar, will revolve around the festivities of Ganesh Chaturthi.Comm