The Delhi High Court has dismissed an appeal against a single judge order which upheld an arbitral award directing transfer of a domain name registered by Kashmir Harvard Educational Institute based.
University of Southern California, Harvard University, University of Texas at Austin and Columbia University all had student riots on Wednesday, as anti-Israel hostility on college campuses grows.
Hundreds of students gathered outside Harvard’s University Hall Wednesday, protesting the university’s suspension of the Palestine Solidarity Committee.
In this article, we will look at the 20 highest paid CEOs in the US and their college degrees. We have also discussed the relevance of college degrees with CEOs. If you want to skip our detailed analysis, head straight to the 5 Highest Paid CEOs in the US and Their College Degrees. In a […]
The Delhi High Court has upheld an arbitral award directing transfer of a domain name registered by Kashmir Harvard Educational Institute based in Srinagar to the President and Fellows of Harvard.