BVZ-Archiv BVZ-Archiv Millendorfer BF-Archiv Anzeige Die Bank-Zentrale im Jahr 2005. Beim Verkauf der Bank Burgenland stand die Ampel mehrmals auf Rot und die Wogen in der Landespolitik gingen erneut hoch. Causa BEGAS. Im Jahr 2012 wurden Unregelmäßigkeiten bekannt. Für Ärger – und Greenpeace-Protest vor der Zentrale – sorgten auch die Pläne für die Müllverbrennungsanlage in Heiligenkreuz.
How Should the Art World Handle the Dark Legacy of Viennese Actionist and Convicted Sex Offender Otto Muehl? His Victims Have a Few Ideas
Children who lived on the commune run by one of the leading figures of 20th-century Viennese art are speaking out.
Artist Otto Muehl and his wife. MAK. Vienna. Photograph. 1998 Photo: Imagno/Getty Images.
Out of the blue, in late 2020, I received a cold call from Hans Schroeder-Rozelle, who had seen my byline on articles about art from Germany and Austria. He asked whether I knew of the Austrian artist Otto Muehl, and that two exhibitions on Muehl’s work were running in Vienna.