These ratings indicate a high level of quality throughout the cigar market, as 109 of the 267 cigars we rated (41 percent) scored 90 points or higher. And 66 cigars scored 91 points or higher, earning our accolade of Humidor Selection. Every major cigar-producing country contributed cigars to that list, though 30 of the cigars in this segment hail from Nicaragua. Currently, Nicaragua exports more premium cigars to the U.S. than any other country, and its proliferation of high ratings speaks to both the high quality of tobacco on the agricultural end as well as meticulous cigar production on the industrial side.
If you’re looking for a 90 pointer, you’re more likely to find it from Cuba than any other country. We rated 24 Cuban cigars this year, and 16 of them (66.7 percent) scored 90 points or higher, a larger percentage of 90s than any other major cigar-producing country. (Though 80 percent of the Mexican cigars rated this year scored more than 90 points, we only tested f
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Bundle up, grab your lighter and pour a glass of your favorite spirit because winter is here. Whether you’re braving the snow, still lounging by the beach or anywhere in between, these superb smokes are here to heat up your winter months.
We took the 17 best cigars from the September/October issue of
Cigar Aficionado and recent issues of
Cigar Insider. Each smoke on this list has scored at least 91 points in one of our blind taste tests, outstanding on our 100-point scale, making this an elite list of smokes.
Let’s toast to the season and the New Year with these cigars, each of which is worthy of a celebration. Here’s to 2021 and happy holidays.