TOPEKA (KSNT) - The clock is ticking for Congress to pass a debt ceiling deal. If it fails, Kansas, like other states, could be in a tough spot, according to economic experts.
Representative Ford Carr said he would not vote for the proposed budget. Speaker Pro-Tem Blake Carpenter gaveled down Carr after making remarks in the speech he deemed out of line.
The Responsible Kansas Budget - Limiting spending growth to inflation plus population growth since 2005 - would have saved taxpayers almost $6 billion this year.
Kelly’s biggest tax proposal is eliminating the state’s 4% sales tax on groceries, while GOP leaders want to create a “flat” income tax, rather than having multiple tax brackets for filers.
Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson is recommending his state increase public school funding as he prepares to leave office. The Republican governor on Thursday detailed his budget proposal to a legislative