Hari Padman, a senior dancer teacher at Kalakshetra Foundation's Rukmini Devi College of Fine Arts, was arrested by the Adyar All Women Police Station on April 3 on various sexual harassment charges.
Hundreds of students, men and women, have complained that the faculty at Kalakshetra, known as the IIT of fine arts, has been sexually harassing them. Some have said the abuse has been rampant since 2008 and the administration did little about it. So far, one teacher has been arrested
The embattled head of Kalakshetra Foundation Revathi Ramachandran made students write an apology letter for complaining about the food poisoning incident in November 2021, and shut the college down for the UG students immediately after.
Members of AIDWA, SFI and DYFI held a protest near the Kalakshetra Foundation’s campus in Chennai, against the administration’s alleged mishandling of sexual harassment complaints.