in movements and growth. and there is a long term - tendency which started 30 years ago and emmanuel macron is only in the face of that, the convergence of the bourgeoisie, from the right and left, - who are pro european - and optimistic, and they want to adapt the model, . social, to globalisation. but they have the extreme left and the extreme right. - and they have voters circling them. - so we have an effect something that is not so democratic, - a one party government, - with emmanuel macron on top, so it is completely a recomposition of the french political landscape, - but i don t think the left or right, the way we have known them, are going to be back. - can i pick up one last thought on france, this movement idea?
Unul dintre viitorii parlamentari AUR este Vasile Nagy, ales deputat de Arad, unde AUR a obtinut aproape 14% din voturi, sufland in ceafa USR-PLUS, care a obtinut putin peste 14 procente.