The Na-Cho Nyäk Dun First Nation in the Yukon has bought a majority stake in a company specializing in hydroponic food systems, with the goal of improving northern food security.
The newly-formed Yukon First Nations Telco LP bought $10 million worth of fibre optic infrastructure from Northwestel and agreed to lease it back to the telecommunications over the next 20 years.
Arctic Journal
For the first time ever, the Arctic Inspiration Prize (AIP) has awarded over $3 million to seven teams across the North for their ground‐breaking projects. The prizes were awarded in a pan‐northern virtual celebration broadcast across the country on APTN February 26.
The $1 million prize went to
“Imaa, Like this”: Children and Youth Expressing Themselves Through Music for their project focused on teaching Inuit children music, employing Inuit youth as music instructors, mentoring Inuit youth musicians to become community music leaders, and providing professional development opportunities for Nunavut educators and post‐secondary students on integrating traditional Inuktut music into their programs.