Plant Cell Culture technology utilizes the ability of a single plant cell to produce multiple cells. In the lab, we can influence these cells to become a cell from different parts of the plant: a fruit cell, a leaf cell, or a root cell provided we give the cells the right nutrients and plant hormones.
The traditional Christmas cocktail party season may have ended in Covid tiers but you can still recreate the best of the festive season with DIY cocktail kits delivered to your home.
Put together by expert bartenders (who, sadly, have a lot more time on their hands these days), these fun boxes contain everything you need to make top-quality cocktails, from ready-mixed formulas to measured portions of alcohol, mixers and garnishes.
Some kits even include cocktail shakers, elegant glassware and suggested playlists for that authentic night-out feeling. You can still get most of these kits delivered before Christmas, or there s plenty of time to order a treat for New Year.