Apu Biswas, with nearly two decades of experience in showbiz, has recently collaborated with director Salman Haider for an untitled film. In this project, she will portray the role of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and has requested a remuneration fee of only Tk 100.
Recently, following the dissemination of a modified version of actress Apu Biswas' conversation with Gaan Bangla Chairperson Farzana Munny on a ‘controversial matter,’ false information proliferated both in local media and on various social media platforms.
Yesterday, Apu Biswas took part in "Celebrity Night with Apu Biswas" in the US. The programme was hosted by Nawsheen Nahreen Mou and the "Laal Saree" actress decided to throw a sly dig at Shakib Khan's haters at the programme.
It appears that the golden age of cinema is returning once more. Audiences are going to theatres to see Bangla films instead of Hollywood flicks. This Eid-ul-Azha, five notable films were released, capturing people's attention.
Apu Biswas' "Laal Shari" has been released across 13 halls in theaters. Almost all five of the movies released this festival are doing fairly well in cinema halls and the actress believes she is partially responsible for it.