remember. talking to the new york times, the lawmaker is calling on president biden to bypass congress and take executive action, saying in part, why are we taking this as a legislative compromise when the opportunity is so much greater or when biden could do this stuff with a stroke of a pen and is just reminding us that he is not choosing to. i have a lot of trouble reading her writing. i m glad she doesn t write for us. she says empty promises were made to progressives and she is not guaranteeing they will back the bill if it comes back to the house, this as kevin mccarthy says he will do everything he can to strike the bill down if it makes it back to the house. if it fails in the senate it dice. if the t senate changes it, any of the changes have to come back to the house so we have another bite at the apple here. todd: the congressional budget office estimates the bill will raise the national deficit $367 billion over the next 10 years, even though the white house claims it is
we know they re being moved all over the country and we know we aren t able to keep track of p them. carley: he says there is not enough known about migrants entering the u.s. he says they are being secretly transported by planes and busses. he is not the only one saying that, it s true. todd: 28 minutes after the hour you now. another top communications official is walking away from the biden white house. so could this have anything to do with the tanking poll numbers or reports of dysfunction in the west wing? joe concha joins us live, next. your eyes. beautiful on the outside, but if you have diabetes, there can be some not-so-pretty stuff going on inside. it s true, with diabetic retinopathy, excess sugar can damage blood vessels, causing vision loss or even blindness. so remember this: now is the time to get your eyes checked. eye care is important to your long-term diabetes management. see a path forward with actions and treatments that may help your eyes and protect against vis
room. numbers-wise, they don t have the leverage. they managed to push their party so far left and in the process they created the leverage that will ultimately destroy them in the midterms and help republicans. it s a pre verse relationship between aoc and republicans that is playing out in front of us. carley: aoc said after the virginia race and when it went to glenn youngkin, she said the reason it did is because democrats weren t united around the progressive agenda enough and there wasn t enough excitement within the democratic party and they were too moderate. you listen to other democrats and they say and republicans are saying keep thinking that but the reality is that people are rejecting the progressive agenda and that is why glenn youngkin won the race and why there s such a big prediction that the midterms are going to go to the republican party. todd: carley, the average american doesn t necessarily say i am so entrenched in a party and they don t care about the stuff t
nobody was saying i need more of the aoc stuff. they were talking about kitchen table issues and the normal american approach to it, not everything is free and let sers abandon our let s abandon our principles that we established over the last 250 years. carley: if you look at how president biden has governed, he s definitely tipping his hat much more to the progressive agenda, if you think about $400,000 paychecks possibly to illegal immigrants, rejecting any semblance of border policies, this big, massive social spending bill that he is pushing to be his legacy. those are all extremely progressive ideas. and if you do think about why he s doing it, it s because there is a great fear there by the president that if he doesn t if he doesn t make the progressives in his party happy, then they will abandon him and that s why aoc gave this interview to the new york times, saying exactly that. the only problem with that is i
contributor dan bongino. along with salem radio host, dr. sebastian gorka. it used to be if you made a nazi comparison and minimized the horror of nazi germany, you were held accountable for that.n they aren t being held accountable, nor can the democrats in congress call outut their own anti-semitic colleagues. that s because liberals in the media newsrooms are terrified of them and so are democrats onew the hill. that was interesting what you did there, putting together some of the aoc stuff because she won a seat in congress. i ran for congress, i lost, i said from the beginning, congratulations, i m sure she worked hard to do it. it s her responsibility as a powerful member of the united states congress to know stuff and she doesn t know anything. she demonstrates consistently profound ignorance that she s just eager not to be corrected