Although Durga Puja, the biggest festival in Bengal, is still five months away, the preparations have already kicked off in full swing. The creative economy surrounding this festival is expected to surpass last year's figures by 25%-30%, particularly after the prestigious recognition from UNESCO, according to a forum of Durga Puja organizers, committees, and agencies engaged in securing corporate sponsorships. The creative economy encompasses the financial impact on various industries associated with the festival, including retail, idol-making, pandal construction, manufacturing, food and beverage, and advertising., Kolkata News, Times Now
A 21-year-old student of Shiv Nadar University, Sneha Chaurasia, was fatally shot outside the dining hall on Thursday. The alleged perpetrator, her classmate Anuj Singh, later died by suicide. According to a senior police officer, Sneha and Anuj were in a relationship that had ended, and Anuj was reportedly enraged upon learning that Sneha had moved on with someone else., Delhi News, Times Now