Listings may be sent to: Goings On, Gloucester Daily Times, 36 Whittemore St.,Gloucester, MA 01930, or emailed to Joann Mackenzie at, at least two weeks prior to an event.
Listings may be sent to: Goings On, Gloucester Daily Times, 36 Whittemore St.,Gloucester, MA 01930, or emailed to Joann Mackenzie at, at least two weeks prior to an event.
This week is filled with events that honor those who work at sea, from the fishermen to the U.S. Coast Guard, as part of August’s Gloucester Fisheries Heritage Month and
Listings may be sent to: Goings On, Gloucester Daily Times, 36 Whittemore St.,Gloucester, MA 01930, or emailed to Joann Mackenzie at, at least two weeks prior to an event.