Japan's new foreign policy outlook signals that the country isready to move from a purely self-defense security strategytoward regional concerns, particularly challenges posed byChina and North Korea, but the United States and Japan shouldnot allow expectations for the alliance and future cooperation to outpace current realities and challenges
Japan gave its ally, the United States, a strong show of support inthe war on terrorism by passing a significant Anti-TerrorismSpecial Measures Law on October 29. This new law will enable Japanto "contribute actively and on its own initiative to the efforts ofthe international community for the prevention and eradication ofterrorism."
With the opposition vowing to obstruct his foreign policyinitiatives, a weakened Prime Minister Shinzo Abe must show boldand decisive leadership if he hopes to regain public support andexpand the role of Japan's armed forces.
The dependability of alliances is what the U.S. requires to combatterrorist threats, and will be key to a successful strategy inIraq. Unswerving alliance support also will provide justificationfor the effort in Iraq in answer to charges of unilateralist U.S.foreign policy.