Letters to the Editor: How is a beer heir connected to Issue 1 on August ballot? 40% shouldn t decide for the rest of us. Ohio s constitution is not a toy
Letters to the Editor
Congress needs to act so people in poverty can have housing stability
The data presented supports two key priorities the Biden administration has highlighted in the proposed economic recovery package that will ensure a “safe and steady roof overhead,” the expansion of rental assistance to all eligible renters, also noted as universal housing (only one in four eligible receives this assistance now) and the permanent inclusion of two of our most effective tools at reducing poverty, the Child Tax Credit and the Earned Income Tax Credit, which at this time are only proposed for one year.
Letters: Affordable housing, dental care, global poverty among readers concerns Letters to the Editor
Congress needs to act so people in poverty can have housing stability
The data presented supports two key priorities the Biden administration has highlighted in the proposed economic recovery package that will ensure a “safe and steady roof overhead,” the expansion of rental assistance to all eligible renters, also noted as universal housing (only one in four eligible receives this assistance now) and the permanent inclusion of two of our most effective tools at reducing poverty, the Child Tax Credit and the Earned Income Tax Credit, which at this time are only proposed for one year.