We need to face up to the fact that most policies for addressing low birth rates don’t work when they don’t take a gender equality perspective into account
DOF establishes presence in Korea DOF is pleased to announce the opening of a new office, together with a local partner, in Busan, Korea, to meet the rising demand of offshore.
Ambassadors from 22 nations that stood by South Korea during the 1950-53 Korean War have conveyed congratulatory messages on the occasion of The Korea Herald's 70th anniversary and the 70th year of ceasefire of the Korean War. Ed. Catherine Raper, Australian ambassador Congratulations to The Korea Herald on its 70th anniversary. Australia and the Republic of Korea stood side by side in battle, and have he.
Anne Kari Hansen Ovind, Ambassador of Norway to Korea, visited POSTECH on July 13, 2023.Norway has selected Korea as one of the nine priority countries in research and education as a part of the country’s Panorama Strategy. In light this, the Ambassa