It's a trend that rose during the pandemic more women choosing to give birth at home, versus the hospital. Now, some midwives in West Michigan who deliver babies say their schedules are still packed.
Change-Ups: Kalaczinski named MOAâs Educator of the Year
Lillian Kalaczinski, an associate professor for Ferris State Universityâs Michigan College of Optometry, has been named the Michigan Optometric Associationâs 2021 Educator of the Year. Kalaczinski is a 1998 MCO graduate following three years in the pre-optometry program at Ferris. Kalaczinski served as director of vision services at a Grand Rapids-area community health center before joining the MCO faculty in 2015. Kalaczinski also is chief of primary care services at the University Eye Center, and an adviser to registered student organizations unique to the college.
Rehmann won Clearlyratedâs Best of Accounting Diamond Award for providing superior service to its clients for at least five consecutive years. Rehmann received satisfaction scores of 9 or 10 from 82% of its clients, significantly higher than the industryâs average of 43% in 2020.