Chardan Capital reaffirmed their buy rating on shares of Anixa Biosciences (NASDAQ:ANIX – Get Rating) in a research report report published on Wednesday, MarketBeat Ratings reports. They currently have a $9.00 target price on the stock, up from their previous target price of $8.00. Chardan Capital also issued estimates for Anixa Biosciences’ FY2024 earnings at […]
Chardan Capital reissued their buy rating on shares of Anixa Biosciences (NASDAQ:ANIX – Get Rating) in a research note published on Wednesday morning, reports. They currently have a $9.00 target price on the stock, up from their previous target price of $8.00. Chardan Capital also issued estimates for Anixa Biosciences’ FY2024 earnings at $4.61 […]
Anixa Biosciences, Inc. (NASDAQ:ANIX – Get Rating) – Stock analysts at Chardan Capital issued their FY2024 EPS estimates for shares of Anixa Biosciences in a research note issued on Wednesday, March 22nd. Chardan Capital analyst M. Barcus forecasts that the company will post earnings per share of $4.61 for the year. Chardan Capital has a […]
/PRNewswire/ The "Global Cancer Vaccine Market & Clinical Trials Outlook 2028" report has been added to s offering. The global cancer.