Animation UK spearheads the animated TV pitching and co-production special initiative where U.K. creatives will share 5 projects; event takes place September 18-21 in Toulouse.
Animation UK campaigned for the increase in tax incentives and for the inclusion of animated theatrical release films, in addition to animated television programs.
21/04/2023 - Il futuro dell'animazione europea è brillante, ma alcune battaglie per ottenere più fondi, più manodopera e migliori condizioni di lavoro devono ancora essere combattute
21/04/2023 - There is a bright future ahead for European animation, but a few battles to gain more funding, more manpower and better working conditions still need to be fought
21/04/2023 - There is a bright future ahead for European animation, but a few battles to gain more funding, more manpower and better working conditions still need to be fought