Vladislav Ugolny, a freelance reporter based in Donetsk The war in Ukraine has been going on for eight years. Recently, tensions began heating up, with multiple Western countries expecting an imminent 'Russian invasion' of its neighbor. Moscow.
"Attempting to cover up its crime, the Ukrainian side is disseminating untrue information in the media space, alleging that the LPR serviceman crossed the engagement line ‘on his own,’ while heavily intoxicated," the LPR representative said
CIA Director Burns subsequently went to Moscow to try and intimidate Putin into revoking troop buildup on Ukrainian border Part 1 On October 18th, U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin III met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to.
Leonid Pasechnik recalled the Ukrainian forces seizure of the Lugansk mission s monitor in the Joint Center for Control and Coordination Center Andrei Kosyak and noted that the republic should stay on guard