Dr James Walsh HUGELY unpopular proposals to close two of West Sussex County Council’s tips and bring in charges for DIY waste have been dropped. The news was announced at a scrutiny committee meeting on Monday and are set to be finalised at a meeting of the cabinet next week. The plans were announced as the council attempted to plug a multi-million pound gap in its budget and would have saved a total of £345,000 in 2021/22. But Tony Kershaw, director of law, told the meeting that the provisional local government settlement – how much money authorities receive from central government – meant a number of proposed cuts could be dropped.
County Hall in Chichester
West Sussex County Council s Environment and Communities Scrutiny Committee will look at the progress made since the County Council adopted its Climate Change Strategy in July 2019 and will scrutinise how the council plans to reduce its carbon emissions further and become more climate resilient at a meeting on January 11, 2021.
The meeting will hear how the council is looking closely at how changes introduced during the pandemic, such as working from home, and in particular reductions in staff travel, have influenced carbon consumption, to see how it can continue to reduce its footprint, while ensuring services are still delivered to residents.