Days before elections in Italy, Stern magazine defines Giorgia Meloni, leader of the far-right Fratelli d Italia, as the most dangerous woman in Europe .
drunk driving arrest. they are powerless to stop this type of repeat offender. gregg: we begin on the campaign trail. republican presidential candidates arguing over a number of controversial issues. all vying for a chance to move into the white house. right now herman cain is gaining momentum. steve is live in washington. steve, cain is number one in the latest iowa poll. how does he react? it s like his 999 plan for tax reform and it s resonating with recipe voters. i believe that i m doing so well because i m connecting with the people. one of the other misperceptions about my campaign is we just started a few months ago right after i announced in may. i actually been connecting with people in iowa, new hampshire, south carolina and florida for over a year even before i made the decision to run. and ron paul who came in third in the iowa poll attacked romney for flip-flopping on important issues saying quote he ll have to answer for it. gregg: what are democrats