The electoral commission has confirmed it will concede to Action SA's request to investigate how the ruling ANC settled its R102m debt with Ezulweni Investments, in terms of the Political Party Funding Act.
it will take some time and i know the white house is eager to move on to things like tax reform. the senate has their own pace and they will begin work on this with other things they have to do. as we have seen, it is politically challenging for members who are concerned about how it would act their subsequents in a real-world way. so the moderate republicans have a lot to say about this. it will be a very big faze two, the phrase that president trump used on twitter, a long, difficult afraid. and it they were asking the house members have you read the bill? one house member said that s why i have staff. that was an interview on stephanie or morning joe yesterday. andany of the staff members have not been able to read the bill. mike, they don t yet know from