"If you are hospitalised for say five days and if I take a cover which is Rs 500, then you get Rs 500 for five days – Rs 2,500 total. These coverages can be taken from 500 to 25,000 per day, so this is that vast. If I were to think that my other miscellaneous expenses are going to be more than 2,000, 3,000 per day, then I would take a hospital cash policy which would cover me for that because that again is an expense that pinches your pocket."
Buying health insurance or life insurance in India is an attractive proposition for NRIs, especially when they make the premium payment through their NRE account. The regulator allows NRIs to purchase these policies without GST, resulting in a substantial cost reduction. Premiums for NRIs may be slightly higher than local policies, but the coverage and benefits are similar. NRIs may need to undergo a health check-up, which they can do when they visit India. Additionally, there are comprehensive insurance plans available for students studying abroad, providing coverage for transit risks, hospitalization, and other benefits.
“The biggest advantage of portability is that you have continuity of coverages. That simply means whatever coverages you had in your group health plan, more or less similar coverages will move on to an existing individual plan with the same insurer. That is a critical rule which we have to follow that your portability will happen only with your existing insurer.”
Insurance companies are launching international student insurance covers for Indian students studying abroad. These hybrid policies combine both travel and inpatient health insurance benefits, as well as transit and travel risks like baggage and document risks. Such policies can cost five to six times more if bought abroad, as health insurance in India is far cheaper. Popular plans include the Tata AIG Student Travel Guard, Bajaj Allianz Student Elite Plan, Royal Sundaram Travel Secure Student Plan and Care Health Student Explore Plus.