Fishermen in Anambas, Riau Archipelago, rescued seven passengers on a Malaysian-flagged cruise ship that had a leak in the middle of the sea. The ship s passengers consisted of Singaporeans, Malaysians and Canadians.
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Indonesia - Floods and landslides update (AHA Centre, BMKG, BNPB) (ECHO Daily Flash of 21 December 2020) 21 December, 2020 - 14:40
Country: Indonesia Source: European Commission s Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations
Heavy rainfall has been affecting most of Indonesia (in particular northern Sumatra, central-western Java, and Riau Islands), since 17 December, causing rivers to overflow and triggering floods and landslides that have resulted in casualties and damage.
The ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance (AHA Centre) reports, as of 21 December, around 320 affected people and 64 damaged buildings across Aceh Tenggara Regency (Aceh Province). AHA Centre also reports 6,414 affected people and 1,759 damaged buildings across Cirebon Regency (West Java Province), 1,686 affected people and 434 damaged buildings across Kudus and Kendal Regencies