establishment, what i think is going to be the big message out of this, which a lot of republicans are going to be sort of analyzing today, is just how much the d.c. baggage weighs down primary could way down folks in the primary. and if you think about the fact that luther strange was only in d.c. for eight months and was tagged at the d.c. establishment guy. his final pitch was, i ve been in d.c. less times than donald trump has been in d.c. right, exactly. so i think that will also embolden a lot of other new primary challengers around the country. so that is going to be a tough thing for mitch mcconnell, if he wants to advance his agenda on tax reform, and still trying to take a run up the hill on health care again. well, eric, donald trump on friday, he said, if strange would lose, when he went and did his rally, he said, people are going to view this as a terrible, terrible embarrassment for donald trump. can it be viewed as anything other than that? yeah, absolutely. t