Actor Sanjay Dutt who has featured in more than 150 Bollywood films is a proud owner of a luxurious home in Bandra’s Pali Hill and some fast and exclusive wheel. Munna Bhai lives a lavish life and believes in giving extravagant gifts. The actor recently gifted his wife Manyata four flats, valued at Rs 100 Crore, who later returned them, as per Moneycontrol s report.
Apartments, Penthouse & Ample Parking Space
The four flats are located in the Imperial Heights building in Pali Hills, Bandra, a premium location in Mumbai. Two of these flats are on the third and the fourth floor, while the other two are penthouses on the 11th and the 12th floor, respectively. Constructed by Siraj Lokhandwala, the houses come with 2 open and 15 slit parking spaces. The building is said to be located on the hills giving a great view of the city