All right, lets get started. Let me remind you to turn off the sound on your cell phones. This is our number 3263, denial in the face of fact. I asked for a science panel, i got an antiscience panel. [laughter] tom so im tom blumen thatll. Im the former chair of molecular and Development Biology here in boulder. I am the director of the institute for Downs Syndrome at the medical school. Let me briefly introduce the subject. I want you to imagine a world where they were accepted. Where nobody was deliberately underseeking to undermine these facts just because they stood to gain financially or because they seem at odds with their religious beliefs. Huge numbers of americans simply dont believe facts, people believing in the truth matter as lot not because it affects the truth but because whether or not we act based on truth or fiction matter as lot. This isnt a scientific issue. Its a political one. Todays panelists will address the thorny question of how to get people to believe facts
Witches lurk in the shadows of our imaginations, worshiping demons and wreaking havoc on society. Still, the collective imagery of the “evil witch” is a far cry from the truth.