The rich and eccentric heir to a rich and eccentric Galveston family, Shearn Moody, Jr., craved an empire all his own. But his lack of self-restraint cost him his bank, his insurance company, his fortune, and now, perhaps, his freedom.
Helen Corley passed away in Tyler, TX. This is the full obituary story where you can express condolences and share memories. Services by Burks-Walker-Tippit Funeral Home.
The following pages provide management's discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2021 and 2020 of American National Group, Inc. and its subsidiaries. On August 6, 2021, the Company entered into an Agreement and Plan of Merger with Brookfield Asset Management Reinsurance.
Insurer American National Group Exploring Options Including Possible Sale -Reuters
U.S. insurer American National Group Inc. is exploring options that could include a sale of the company, people familiar with the matter told Reuters on Tuesday.
The news sent shares of American National spiking to their highest level in more than two years, closing 16.1% higher at $142.28 to give the insurer a market value in excess of $3.8 billion.
Started in 1905 by William Lewis Moody Jr., American National is still majority-owned by the founder’s family, which controls the company through a range of trusts and holdings.
From American National website