The Universal Pictures family-friendly animated movie triumphs again in its fourth weekend domestically before Marvel s Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 officially kicks off the summer movie calendar.
Universal s adaptation of Nintendo s video game franchise continues to break more records in its third week as it becomes the highest-grossing animated release of the pandemic era.
The animated movie adaptation of Nintendo s video game amasses over $600 million globally, as newcomers The Pope s Exorcist and Renfield barely scare the family friendly movie domestically.
The Chris Pratt-starring movie soars to No. 1 on the domestic chart with an estimated $204.6 million over the long Easter holiday weekend, posting the third-highest Easter opening weekend of all time.
The DreamWorks animated heist movie holds onto the top position with only a 33 percent drop from last weekend, while the latest action thriller starring Neeson fails to attract moviegoers.