Actress Navya Nair, who has been a part of several critically acclaimed hits in Tamil and Malayalam has lavished praise on director Ratheesh Balakrishnan Poduval's recently released Malayalam film, 'Nna Thaan Case Kodu' ('Sue Me'), saying that .
Actress Navya Nair, who has been a part of several critically acclaimed hits in Tamil and Malayalam has lavished praise on director Ratheesh Balakrishnan
Actor Kunchacko Boban and his team from the upcoming Malayalam film, ‘Nna Thaan Case Kodu’ paid a surprise visit to Malabar Cancer Centre to attend Survivors Meet arranged by the centre.
Actor Kunchacko Boban and his team from the upcoming Malayalam film, Nna Thaan Case Kodu paid a surprise visit to Malabar Cancer Centre to attend Survivors Meet arranged by the centre.Taking to Instagram, Kunchacko Boban shared pictures and a .
Actor Kunchacko Boban and his team from the upcoming Malayalam film, 'Nna Thaan Case Kodu' paid a surprise visit to Malabar Cancer Centre to attend Survivors