“Tiger Stripes,” a Malaysian coming-of-age body horror film, will be available to stream on Netflix globally beginning on Feb. 15. As she attempts to conceal these changes, she faces social ostracization by her school friends. Success of “Tiger Stripes”: Produced by Ghost Grrrl Pictures and directed by Amanda Nell Eu, "Tiger Stripes" reportedly marks the Southeast Asian nation’s return to the Cannes Film Festival after many years, making it the first film by a Malaysian female director to be screened at Cannes.
Malaysian 2024 Academy Awards entry Tiger Stripes, Amanda Nell Eu’s Cannes Grand Jury winner about puberty and monsters, inspired by 1950s horror cult Pontianak by BN Rao, screens at 2023 International Film Festival of Kerala.
Award-winning gynaecological oncologist Dr Woo Yin Ling of Rose Foundation reveals the untold impact of Malaysians solving problems in their own backyard
KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 20 Malaysian director Amanda Nell Eu has said that the local cut of her award-winning film Tiger Stripes is not the film that she made. In a statement on.